Chris on RadioInfo

I write about how radio can use digital media for  Here’s a collection of my articles they’ve used.

Email to our listeners has become yesterday’s news for many of us, but you can still use it as a powerful tool, and it has advantages over social media you may not have thought about.  I run through some very practical tips to improve your emails and increase their value in the minds of your fans in Tips to Rejuvenate Your Listener Emails.  (10/8/12)

Lots of male-skewing radio stations have “hot babe” galleries at their websites.  Sometimes, these galleries get more hits than anything else.  That doesn’t mean they’re doing you any good.  Hard to believe?  Learn why when you read A Good New Home for Hot Babes.  (10/1/12)

Radio’s able to do something really special for our clients.  Advertising on your broadcast, they get the same targeting and frequency they always could.  With digital, they get to talk specifically to your biggest fans and heaviest users.  It takes some planning and focus to make the most of your digital sales efforts, as you’ll learn in Three Steps to Digital Revenue Power.  (9/24/12)

When it comes to social media, we’re either building our brand or spinning our wheels.  Most of us are doing the latter.  You’ll learn why people follow you on Facebook and Twitter, and you’ll come away with a new understanding of just why social media is a powerful new tool … in Social Media? It’s Your Frequent Flyer Program.  (9/17/12)

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